Manipulate semrush data

Buy Semrush traffic

Generate organic traffic from keywords to your website, and increase your semrush organic traffic in less than 2 months, with all the benefits it brings!

Sell guest post at higher price - Get more authority - Outrank your competitors

Get 75 SEO clicks  - it’s Free!
Buy Semrush traffic
Improve SEO CTR
Tracked in Google Search Console
Real and Natural Looking Traffic
Google Adsense Safe
Tracked in Semrush
Tracked in Ahrefs and Google trends

Questions about Semrush traffic

Why buying Semrush traffic is good for my site?

By buying organic traffic for Semrush, you're artificially boosting the estimated number of visits on Semrush. This makes your site look more popular than it actually is to your competitors and other third parties, leading them to view your site as having higher authority. From a business perspective, you can charge more for guest blog posts because your site appears to have more traffic, making it more profitable for the buyer.

How long time before the organic traffic is seen on Semrush?

The Semrush algorithm updates approximately every 1.5 months. Starting today, you'll be able to see an increase in your traffic on Semrush as soon as possible!

What is the price for SEMrush Traffic?

The price for Semrush traffic depends on the monthly organic traffic you'd like to get on your site's data. If you're not sure which plan you need to reach a specific amount of organic traffic, send us a message Pricing section.

Check Our Main FAQ for more questions

Boost your site with Semrush Traffic

Automated traffic services

Automated Traffic

Launch your project in 2 minutes, and let SerpSEO send web traffic for your site automatically

CTR booster

Outrank competitors

Our semrush traffic drives more authority to your site. Get better metrics than your competitors

Geo Targeted Traffic

Geo Targeted Traffic

Display the country's source in Semrush among you want among 170 countries available!

Campaign statistic

Campaign Statistics

Keep an eyes on how many visitors have been sent by SerpSEO - All from your statistic tab!

CTR settings

Smart Settings

All the settings you need to control the 6 mains SEO factors that are boosted with the SEO traffic

Dwell time

Increase Dwell Time

Buy a traffic that improve the time each visitors spend on your site and skyrocket your rank

boost metrics

Target strategic keywords

Drive targeted organic clicks from the SERP to your website, which are tracked by Semrush and other top analytic tools. SerpSEO is the leading provider for boosting your metrics on Semrush.

The goal is to increase organic clicks to raise the search volume for branded keywords where your site ranks first on Google SERP. This approach helps Semrush attribute a portion of the search volume as monthly traffic in your site data

Get started now! (it's free)
it takes 50 seconds to register
Semrush traffic organic
And make them reported in Semrush

Watch the organic traffic soar.

By increasing organic traffic and raising the search volume for multiple keywords, Semrush will recalculate the total estimated monthly traffic for your site. During the next Semrush update, you will see a peak in your traffic!

Get started now! (it's free)
it takes 50 seconds to register
trusted by Semrush and Google search console

Semrush traffic is based on google trends data

Semrush utilizes Google Trends data to estimate the monthly search volume. The good news is that SerpSEO traffic is recorded in both Google Trends and Search Console. This allows Semrush to use SerpSEO traffic data when calculating its metrics.

Use our Free Trial now!
it takes 50 seconds to register

Buy SEMRUSH traffic at the best price!

$30 /month

30 tokens

google icon
google chrome store logo
30 visits per day
up to 15 keywords
2 pages visited
1 min session duration
30 visits per day
1 keyword
Target a location
3 actions available
Choose plan
Get started

$50 /month

60 tokens

google icon
google chrome store logo
60 visits  per day
up to 30 keywords
3 pages visited
3 min session duration
60 visits per day
1 keyword
Target a location
3 actions available
Choose plan
Get started

$90 /month

120 tokens

google icon
google chrome store logo
120 visits per day
60 keywords
5 pages visited
5 min session duration
120 visits per day
2 keywords
Target a location
3 actions available
Choose plan
Get started
Most Popular

$130 /month

180 tokens

google icon
google chrome store logo
180 visits  per day
90 keywords
5 pages visited
5 min session duration
180 clicks per day
3 keywords
Target a location
3 actions available
Choose plan
Get started

30 tokens

$30 /month

30 visits per day
15 keywords
2 pages visited
1min  sessions duration

60 tokens

$50 /month

60 clicks per day
30 keywords
3 pages visited
3min sessions duration

120 tokens

$90 /month

120 clicks per day
60 keywords
5 pages visited
5min sessions duration

180 tokens

$130 /month

180 clicks per day
90 keywords
5 pages visited
5min sessions duration
Get started

400 tokens

$250 /month

400 clicks per day
200 keywords
5 pages visited
5min sessions duration

600 tokens

$350 /month

600 clicks per day
300 keywords
5 pages visited
5min sessions duration

800 tokens

$450 /month

800 clicks per day
400 keywords
5 pages visited
5min sessions duration

1800 tokens

$900 /month

1800 clicks per day
900 keywords
5 pages visited
5min sessions duration
Get started

$250 /month

400 tokens

logo google
google store logo
400 searches per day
200 keywords
5 pages visited
5 min session duration
400 searches per day
3 keywords
Target a location
3 actions available
Choose plan
Get started

$350 /month

600 tokens

logo google
google store logo
600 searches per day
300 keywords
5 pages visited
5 min session duration
600 searches per day
3 keywords
Target a location
3 actions available
Choose plan
Get started

$450 /month

800 tokens

logo google
google store logo
800 searches per day
400 keywords
5 pages visited
5 min session duration
800 searches per day
3 keywords
Target a location
3 actions available
Choose plan
Get started
Most Popular

$900 /month

1800 tokens

logo google
google store logo
1800 searches per day
900 keywords
5 pages visited
5 min session duration
1800 searches per day
3 keywords
Target a location
3 actions available
Choose plan
Get started
Random session duration
Bounce rate control
Up to 5min dwell time
Country Geo-targeting
Real organic website traffic
Unique residential and mobile IPs

Frequently Asked Question

How can increasing organic traffic improve the valuation of a website

Boosting organic traffic can significantly enhance a website's valuation. Higher traffic indicates greater popularity and user engagement, making the site more attractive to potential buyers. Using Semrush, you can check and verify the organic traffic data, which helps in demonstrating the website's worth to potential buyers, thereby allowing you to command a higher selling price.

Why does increased organic traffic allow a website to sell guest posts at a higher price?

With increased organic traffic, a website gains more visibility and credibility. Semrush can be used to track this traffic increase and provide concrete data to potential advertisers and content creators. They are willing to pay more for guest posts on such sites because their content is likely to reach a larger and more engaged audience, resulting in better returns on their investment.

In what ways does increased organic traffic increase a website's authority?

Higher organic traffic often correlates with better content quality and relevance, leading to more backlinks and mentions from other reputable sites. Using Semrush, you can monitor these backlinks and track the increase in traffic. This data helps in building and showcasing the website's authority and credibility in its niche, making it a trusted source of information for users and search engines alike.

How does an increase in organic traffic affect a website's search engine rankings?

Increased organic traffic signals to search engines that the website is valuable and relevant to users. This can lead to improved search engine rankings, as algorithms favor sites that consistently attract and retain visitors. Semrush can be used to track both the increase in organic traffic and the subsequent improvement in search engine rankings, creating a positive feedback loop.

What are the potential revenue opportunities that arise from higher organic traffic?

Higher organic traffic opens up various revenue opportunities, such as better monetization through ads, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing. Semrush can provide detailed insights into traffic patterns and sources, helping to identify the most lucrative opportunities. Websites with substantial traffic can negotiate higher rates with advertisers and sponsors, leading to increased revenue streams.

Why is boosting organic traffic crucial for the long-term growth of a website?

Organic traffic is a sustainable and cost-effective way to grow a website. Unlike paid traffic, which requires ongoing investment, organic traffic continues to flow as long as the site maintains its quality and relevance. Semrush helps monitor and analyze this traffic, ensuring that the growth is steady and sustained. This stability supports long-term growth, audience retention, and ongoing revenue generation.

Check Our Main FAQ for more questions